My grandma is 83 by the way!
I always enjoy speaking with people who are way older because they have lived much longer and have so much more wisdom to share. And besides everyone loves sharing their stories and ideas (at least I do!).
I’ve been going down to Florida every April since I am literally 7 weeks old. So some of my grandma’s friends are almost like a second family.
I asked all of them individually, the same question: What’s one thing you would have done differently if you were my age all over again?
Think about that. That’s a really powerful question!
Here you are. Hanging out by the pool, enjoying life, well rested after your afternoon nap and you are getting ready for dinner at 5 P.M. You aren’t worrying as much as you used to, your kids are set, your grandkids are proving themselves in the real world and you can’t believe how big Roz Gilbert’s grandson got and how well he is doing. Well, you can believe it, but still.
Then you have to answer the question: What would you have done differently if you were a young buck all over again?!?!
Just put yourself in that situation.
What if a 1st grader asked you that question?
And what would you do if differently if you were in 1st grade all over again?
When you get older and look back on your life, what are you going to remember, regret, or wish you had done differently?
The number one response I got was not to make excuses. Just go after it. Whatever the hell it is. “Go after your dreams Adam! If anyone can do it, it’s you! Just go after it!”
Some of my second family almost seemed bitter as they were saying that. As I forced them to look back on their life they realized they didn’t even come close to realizing their full potential!
Not realizing my full potential is literally my number one fear.
“Hell would be seeing what you could have accomplished if only you believed in yourself!”
Listen, we all want to be healthy and physically fit.
But most of us just hope and wish…
That’s so sad!
Right now maybe it’s not sad, or maybe in 5 months it won’t be sad, or maybe in 2 years it won’t be sad or maybe even in 7 years it won’t be sad.
It’s not sad right now because we are living in the now and magically we always figure out ways to distract ourselves.
But when you look back in 10 or 20 years how are you going to answer the question of what would you have done differently?
In 50 years from now how are you going to answer that question?
Although, we are all going to be extremely cute grandparents, I don’t want any of us to be bitter grandparents who realized they made excuses their entire lives!