Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wouldn't you rather listen to your IPod?

I was at the gym this morning (as usual) and I was looking at all of the personal trainers. Not one of them is in shape (forget great shape).

That's like listening to a doctor talk about the risks of cigarettes as he's smoking. Obviously, both the doctor and the PT aren't living what they're teaching.

As I was running on the treadmill, there was a woman doing her thing. Her personal trainer was standing next to her watching ESPN.

You can tell he didn't want to be there, at all.

Are you serious?

Wouldn't you rather listen to your IPod with your favorite song blasting? That's escaping from your everyday stress. That's being in the moment and just enjoying your health and life to the fullest. When your song is on and the ONLY thing you're thinking about is how incredible you feel.

One of the missions of MyBodyTutor is to encourage people to feel that invincible feeling.

See, most of us just need that extra form of accountability. That extra push to eat healthy and to get to the gym. That's the big idea behind MyBodyTutor and why it's so effective and is working so well.

Thankfully, you don't need to pay someone $35-$125 per hour to watch you eat or run.

When I say most, I mean all of us.

You don't think I need accountability? Why don't you go back and look at the website. That's my accountability. Whenever I'm exhausted I say, "Holy shit, if I don't get to the gym today my body is going to look nothing like those pictures!"

(For those of you that don't know, I'm 24 years old now.)

Now, just wait until all my existing clients have their pictures on my site...