Friday, September 28, 2007

New Website Coming Soon!

I am really excited to announce that will look completely different within the next few months. It is amazing how my little idea of personalized daily accountability has really turned into a real business with amazing potential.

MyBodyTutor is based on the alarming trend that we are all working more than ever, eating out more than ever, and have more distractions than ever.

Did you know that 9% of all USA Today bestsellers are diet books!?! 9%! Yet today the New England Journal of Medicine reports that two years after going on a diet, on average, people weigh more than when they started.

That's pretty scary!

I believe the problem isn't that we don't know what to do. Because we do.

It's just that we don't do it. We can't stay consistent if our lives depended on it. Wait a second. They do!

We have way too many distractions, hours to be worked, friends to be seen, kids to be taken to practice, dinners to be made, etc., etc., and on and on. It really doesn't end.

We are glued to our computers, blackberries and phones. As a society, we are working more than ever. We are also eating out more than ever before.

The problem is that it's just way too easy to make excuses and procrastinate.

That means you need to be extremely focused on what you really want out of your life.

Most people are going to choose hanging out with friends or their family over going to the gym.

Most people will choose ordering a cheeseburger and fries over a grilled chicken sandwich.

Most people will choose to read about being healthy and fit than actually BEING healthy and fit.

I quit my job at Ernst & Young to start my company. This is my dream. Writing this, right now, is exactly what I want to be doing with my life.

Ernst & Young, doesn't get any more corporate. I found myself constantly making excuses about why I wasn't going to the gym like I used to. I constantly rationalized poor eating.

Yes. Missing a workout here and there won't kill you.

But, before you know it, you've missed two straight weeks of exercising!

That's why knowing that each and every workout, each and every meal you eat is a small step towards your overall goal and journey of where you want to be and how you want to live your truly precious life is absolutely essential.