This morning I was asked how a person can break a “brand bond” (say drinking 5 Cokes every day, or eating Ben & Jerry’s every afternoon).
Cold turkey is one option, but what is more empowering is to set up trade-offs. For example, only allowing yourself to bring single Cokes into the house. This way you’re forced to ration it to when you really, really need it, or to make a trip for another. This can also be done in the form of, “I can have my Coke-fix, but only if I ______ (work out, clean the kitchen, clear out my email inbox, etc.).
A second way is through brand substitution. Enable yourself to have all you want (or better yet, half of what you want) but of another brand that you don’t enjoy as much. That has been successful in breaking the cycle for some.
A few of my clients have asked me why I am so passionate about helping people realize their body's full potential.
I had the good fortune of meeting Tony Soprano. You can read all about it (and see some pretty cool pictures) on my blog at .
Well, there is nothing more rewarding than helping people realize their dreams. My mom did it with Terence Winter and now I want to do it with you. I know that when you realize your body's full potential you'll be way more inclined to realize your overall potential and I'm absolutely certain you will with my program or your money back!
To a healthier, fitter and happier you!