Saturday, February 24, 2007

I have balls? Or you have balls

(This is republished from I originally wrote this on February 2nd, 2007.)

So it’s the end of my 2nd week of being fully unemployed and completely on my own being able to do whatever it is I want, whenever it is I want.

It’s funny, the number one thing people say to me is, “Wow, you have a lot of balls!”

We are all going through an extremely tough stage of our lives right now. No one knows what they want to do for the rest of their life.

I think I do…

Granted, some of us think we do. All of my friends in law school and medical school think they know what they want to do but do they really know if they’ll actually like being a lawyer or doctor?

Of course not. There is no way to know except by trying. Unfortunately, they’re also giving up 3-12 years of their life for that trial.

I question a lot of things, as you know. It’s just the way I’m wired. I find it amazing how so many people just spend their lives being miserable with their jobs and some even miserable with their life.

I’m certainly not here to tell you what to do or what not to do. I’m here to make you think and give you a quick break from your job and maybe even make you laugh once in a while.

I haven’t just been watching TV all day eating ice cream and Doritos. Although, that’s always fun, once in a while. And, while I sometimes think we should just have a socialist society where everyone could do what they loved doing because everyone would be getting paid exactly the same (so it would only make sense to do what you love), I certainly know that wouldn’t work.

Capitalism works because it’s the survival of the fittest products and services which has and does improve the quality of our lives astronomically.

I understand that I have to make money. You need money to survive. I need money to pay my rent and buy my food and do the things I want to do. So, I have to find a job OR create ways to make money.

I’m desperately trying to make the latter happen. I’m trying to create ways of making money doing things that I absolutely love doing! Is that so crazy?

What do I love doing you might wonder?

How about this. I’ll give you my ideal Monday though Friday. (You don’t really have a say in the matter, do you?)

I’d like to wake up around 8:00 A.M. Not so crazy.

Go to the gym for 2 hours. I started going to the gym in the morning and it’s amazing. It was a big adjustment but I found the energy I get from working out stays with me all day. I also now run on the treadmill everyday since I don’t really move during the day.

(I maybe take 25 steps to the kitchen. Then, 8 steps to sit down then 6 steps back to wash the dishes. Then, 12 steps to the bathroom and 8 steps back to my room. I repeat that process about 5-6 times a day occasionally going to the post office or going for a walk. And I go to the bathroom after I eat because I drink a lot of water, not because I’m bulimic.)

Get back around 10:00 AM. Okay this is going to be way too long so I’m going to just leave most details out.

All I want to do is go to the gym for 2 hours a day and then help people.

Help people?

I want to help people (maybe even you) get into better shape.

I absolutely love health & fitness. I don’t know why I do, I just do. I guess it’s the way I’m wired.

Just like you love your dog (well, I love mine too) or cat or job or shoes or Sushi, I love helping people get into better shape.

Maybe, I do have balls for trying to do what I love for a living and for my life.

But, maybe, you’re crazy for hating what you do and standing for it.

Therefore, I think you have a lot of balls!